Toddler Haircuts Biography
Hello, It is a common practice in certain Asian communities to shave a babies head in order to promote thicker hair growth. My daughter's hair hasn't grown much since birth and she is 4 mos old now. Does anyone out there have any experience/recommendations for this? Where does one go to shave a babies head? Thanks! Karen
Some babies take longer than others for their hair to fill out. My friend's daughter was almost completely bald until nearly three; soon after, she grew a thick head of hair. Shaving the baby's head is harmless (other than making them look funny for a while), but will not affect hair growth. Hair is dead keratin pushed out by hair follicles under the skin. Cutting/shaving hair does not affect the hair follicles--the dead hair has no mechanism for sending a message to the hair follicles saying, ''I just got cut! Grow more!'' Hair can't talk
My dad shaved my head when I was about a year old (we still laugh over the photos). My hair is not thicker than any of my sister's -- none of whom got the head shave! So, I personally don't think shaving a baby's head promotes thicker hair growth. Also, my daughter had no hair at all until she was 2 years old and now she has gorgeous thick hair. Just FYI. :-) Bald-headed baby
Shaving one's hair with the intent/fear that it will grow back thicker is a myth, just as it applies to shaving one's leg or armpit hair. I shaved my baby's hair when he was a few months old, mainly because it was falling out/growing back unevenly, and it looked better to see a beautiful round baby head than a hair-patchy one. Shaving is easy. Get some electric hair clippers (from Target, Walgreens, etc.) and give your baby a buzz cut Asian American mom
Hi Karen, This is a very common misconception, that hair will grow back more and/or thicker if shaven. It's actually physically impossible. Hair can only be altered at the roots. Shaving just cuts the hair and then the same hair grows back. Many Asian babies are fortunate to have a lot of hair. Sorry Anon
Hi, I would not shave your baby's head. Our youngest daughter, now 3, was adopted from China and came to us at the age of 1 with her head shaved. At 3, she still has very little hair, and the hair she has is very thin. I know that shaving her head did not help. She is still beautiful and I wouldn't change a hair on her head Susan
Lots of kids are bald until they're 2 years old. 4 months old is really young. Don't shave your kids head. Or, you can, but I don't think it's going to make a difference. Hair will grow eventually Curly
Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts

Toddler Haircuts
Toddler Haircuts