Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Kids Haircuts Girls Biography

Roxie Jane Hunt is a mother, writer, hairstylist, salon owner, and natural hair and beauty  She lives in Seattle Washington and jet sets between Seattle and her mid-south salon Mayapple in Fayetteville AR. She specializes in inspired DIY hairstyle tutorials and at-home beauty solutions for sustainable style and personal health.
A product minimalist after years as a professional hairstylist and product junkie, Roxie promotes and writes about her ShamPHree lifestyle (a life of fabulous hair without shampoo;)
She finds effective natural alternatives to most skin and hair care products in the mainstream beauty market.
When you need great tips for natural beauty care and ready-to-wear DIY hairstyles , she is your girl…..And she NEVER leaves home without her Naked Eye Beauty hair powder and a Mason Pearson brush.

Hey guys. I’m excited to announce my partnership with a cool new beauty app called Pretty in my Pocket (PRIMP!) that is dedicated to sharing quality beauty knowledge and advice from beauty experts around the world. PRIMP is about connecting consumers with beauty products and tricks that are right for their hair, skin, and lifestyles.
Now, you all know that I am a dedicated ‘Free woman” (I ShamPHREE!) and use only natural raw remedies in my hair routine. What you may not know is that although I do not use conventional hair products on my own hair, I have worked in the beauty industry for over 15 years and have had a lot of experience with beauty products. Enough to have a strong voice on the ones I like and have used on myself as well as on clients in the salon!
In my PRIMP profile, you will find my ‘beauty bag’ filled with product and tool recommendations and reviews for those of you in the market for some new products. So far, I have only reviewed products that I personally like and use on my hair clients in the salon. I give them all a 5 star rating, because I only review the ones that I really like.
Also on my profile you will find many hair looks and tutorials straight from the HTHG blog. So, that said, check out this great app and please share it with your friends!

I have always considered myself a hobby photographer. I slept through photography class in highschool. I got really excited about shooting photos just as analog was turning into digital so I kind of missed my chance to shoot with film. I got my first digital Canon Powershot at 19, before leaving on a trip to travel Europe and Turkey with a friend. The first half of that trip was consumed by me and my camera. The second half of that trip, and probably still to this day, the camera spent at the bottom of an Irish river. *sigh*

Next camera was a Nikon early digital model, with a viewing 7U6A0358screen that flipped up and could swivel. I loved that camera and took it on my next trip through Portugal and back to Ireland. After several years of heavy usage and heavy hands ( I am not the carefullest) it crapped out on me.

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

Kids Haircuts Girls

18 Mar 2014

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