Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Places To Get Kids Haircut Biography

Whether your child is born with a full head of hair or is as bald as can be, there will come a time when he or she will be ready for that first haircut, an important milestone to mark off in your child’s baby book.
There’s no doubt many young children are afraid of getting their first haircut. After all, they’re draped in a cape, squirted with water and a stranger with scissors is talking to them.
If you have visions of your child kicking and screaming at the salon or barber shop, you can rest easy. Here are just some of the many places on Long Island that feature special incentives for kids of all ages, such as cars and trucks for kids to sit in, cartoons, movies, video games, toys and more. Most of them offer a little something extra for parents, too — a keepsake certificate with a lock of hair from their very first haircut.

Hair with Heart.

It’s craft time! Gather your daughter and her friends and help them make heart hair accessories this month.

You can learn how make a layered heart clip with this video.
For something even simpler, check out this heart clip video from Bitty Bum Boutique TV.
These cute, easy-to-make barrettes will just take a few minutes.
Want to give out extra special Valentines this year? Share any of the above clips with all of your friends.
Not feeling crafty? Stop by Pigtails & Crewcuts, where you’ll find clips, bows and bands of all shapes, sizes and colors.

Our trusty loyalty cards are going away, but our loyalty program is not! It just got easier to earn your 1/2 off  a haircut! How you may ask? Simple! You will notice on our front desk there is an iPad and this is how we keep track of the rewards you earn! Not more tracking of  ’the card’! Enter a phone number that you would like to use as your unique identifier. Complete the information requested: Name, e-mail address, name of your child(ren) and their birthdays and you are done!

Why do we need your email address and the rest of the information? Well, because we want you to take advantage of everything our Rewards Program has to offer. You will get to be part of Birthday Club (special discounts on the month of your Child’s Birthday); we will let you know when we have special offers (such a Military Family Day, Multiples Day, Family Day, etc) and we will let you know when our Double Rewards Day is as well.

We know that you don’t want us to reach out too often and as a valued customer, we value your time as well.

Want to know how many rewards points you have? Easy! Visit our Facebook page and click on the Get One to view your balance. You can also download the app on your smart phone – search for Get One Rewards, it’s a free app. You can also see which businesses near you offers this great rewards program.

Like the kids like to say; easy, peach, lemon squeezy..

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

Places To Get Kids Haircut

19 Mar 2014

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