Monday, March 17, 2014

Kid Cudi Haircut Biography

That’s not to say the human brain doesn’t differ from person to person, but a unique set of circumstances has shaped both the career

and circuitry of 28-year-old Scott Mescudi, one of hip-hop’s most cerebral artists. Cudi’s trials and tribulations have been splashed all

over these pages throughout the years: the come-up, the drug use, the birth of his daughter. As the Cudi cycle has played out in the

public eye, it’s become a rinse-and-repeat formula: drop an album, take a few acting gigs, disappear until it’s time for another album.

But Cudi is far from formulaic. Where many rappers and actors pursue endless press exposure, Cudder prefers seclusion. Where

others are uncomfortable discussing depression and death, Cudi fluctuates between dark thoughts, funny voices, and laughter.

A visit to Cudi’s newly purchased luxe bungalow in the relatively sleepy L.A. neighborhood Los Feliz—far from his previous digs in the

celebrity-stacked Hollywood Hills—reveals Cudi’s muted mind-set. Tall opaque windows line the exterior so that Cudi can see out, but

onlookers can’t see in. Once you get past his bulldog, Freshie, the interior yields more clues to Cudi’s psyche: A framed hologram of

Jimi Hendrix hangs on a wall near the front door. In the living room, an easel holds a white canvas with the word “immortal” painted in

bold, capitalized, black letters. The word is both the name of the second single from his forthcoming release, Indicud—his fourth album

in five years—and a signpost for the themes of mortality that have always been undertones in his music. Yet as brooding as one might

expect Cudi’s home to be, the mood inside is bright. His protégé King Chip and another friend sit on the couch as he clicks through

beats he’s created. Time is split between discussions of crafting the Cudi sound and Googling YouTube clips of Chris Farley, until a

decision is made to watch Norm Macdonald’s ’90s cult-comedy Dirty Work. The night ends with an episode of AMC’s zombie

apocalypse drama The Walking Dead

The next day Cudi’s all business. He rolls to Glenwood Place Recording Studios in his black Range Rover wearing a vintage Lakers

Tee, A.P.C. jeans, and Converse Jack Purcells with the words “I’m not like them, but I can pretend” written across the toe boxes. It’s a

Kurt Cobain lyric from Nirvana’s drug ballad “Dumb.” Is Cudi referring to other rappers? He’s always been a hip-hop iconoclast. But

after the experimental rock EP WZRD, he’s ready to get back to rhymes and beats. In fact, he's handling most of the production on

Indicud himself. Cudi's rebirth as a producer has reinvigorated his passion for hip-hop, just as his spirit has been revitalized by coming

off anti-depressants following a breakup with his longtime girlfriend. As he explained on “Just What I Am,” a self-produced song that

charted on the Billboard Hot 100, the pills weren’t working and he was suffering from side effects. On this overcast day in L.A. he feels

sharper than ever, with a focus on rocketing himself back into the conversation about rap’s heavyweights.

Inside the studio, there’s no entourage, no girls, just Cudi, his engineer, and the Maschine, a producing tool that Chip bought him for

Father’s Day. He uses it to construct a beat in the space of 30 minutes, adding keys and an electric guitar, then spits a chorus to the

song with the working title “Mr. Digital.” As the engineer plays back the day’s work, Cudi does the robot, obviously pleased. Then it’s

time to return to his Range Rover for a frank discussion about being and nothingness, and everything in between.

Hell yeah. Every day is an adventure. [Laughs.] My last relationship took a lot out of me. I needed to reboot and rebuild my life. I’m in a

positive place now, a happier place. I’m enlightened. It’s better when you get older because you start to see things from a different

perspective. Whether it’s love, or just trying to figure out what you’re going to do in life.

I enjoy living my life for me and not by someone else’s rules. It gets lonely but the loneliness doesn’t bother me. I have time to think,

time to write, time to myself. I’m winging it every day. I hope love finds me. I always hope for that. But now I’m super happy. I got my

party shoes on every night

Anyone that’s ever said anything negative, anyone that’s ever doubted me. I was a nice guy early in my career, and people in the

business still found a way to call me a dick. Now I’m just like, whatever man. Fuck it. I’m trying to be nice to you cocksuckers and you

don’t even deserve all that. It’s war. People don’t know what cool is

It’s not hard to grasp. Cool is just being fucking authentic. Being yourself, being straight up. Legit—and have some type of fucking


Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

Kid Cudi Haircut

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